

16 April 2013

Legend From Cirebon

Today I'm very like to share you about a legend. I wanna give big thanks to my friend ADITYA, who had to buy my legend. Now I wanna share this legend. if you copy this document please, write the source. SOURCE.

Legend Of Cibiuk
Folklore from Plumbon

Along.. Along time ago, on Plumbon there was located where was fresh and green. All people were hardwork for alive. The located so fresh with the river, many people use the river for help them to irrigation his paddy field.The people so friendly and useful the resources. 54
Time was walked, the location became noisy place, maybe some people know that the location so comfortable, nice and good for live.  But it’s very regrettable ! Cause the new people didn’t friendly, they were greedy, covetous, didn’t care the river,environment, they threw the rubbish haphazardness. 47
Some years ago... the location who on past so fresh, green,comfortable,and the river so clear but in this time till now the sitiation changed became bad, the located was noisy, the weather became hot, the water in the river became dirty and bad. 44
That’s was made the old local people called this location is Cibiuk. On the local language Cibiuk, Cai and Biuk. Cai means “water” and Biuk means “dirty”, so Cibiuk is “dirty water” 32

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Artikel Legend From Cirebon ditulis oleh Umar pada 16 April 2013 . Terimakasih atas kunjungannya|Pelindung Hak Cipta Yang Maha Agung Hanyalah Allah SWT| Saya itu bukan Ahli, apalagi Profesional, Bukan Ustad, Bukan juga Da'i apalagi Kiyai|Hanya menjalankan tugas Saling Tolong Menolong - Bunculers
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