

18 April 2013

Legend From Ciamis

Legend of Panulisan


Along time ago, there was a beatiful and nice princess from Galuh named Ratnayu Putri Dyah Pitaloka Citraresmi. She was found, who she was?  She was a wanderer.

 One day Ratnayu Putri Dyah Pitaloka Citraresmi went to take a bath, she went to depths of the river, where the water in the depth of the river so clear and bright. 65

Than the princess got a rest with immersed his body in the water, she was felt cold, she brushed his body with sweet-smelling Cempaka Munding flower, she also washed his long hair with herbal medicine. That’s made environment near the princess was sweet-smelling.45

Several minutes ago.... one butterfly was came and approached the depths of river, once again butterfly came, till many butterfly was came and approached the depths of the river to met the nice princess, they surrounded as if they were knew that the princess not a usual princess but she was a Fairy from Heaven. They wanted to welcome and respect the princess. 65

Several years was passed... in the next momment, many butterfly was came in the depths of the rever for met the princess but they didn’t met her. Than they went to place who the girl live, but they didn’t met again. In this time, many local people was looked that there were many butterfly surrounded the place, and on the wings there was a write “Tulisan/Panulisan”, from here the local people called the located was Panulisan.75

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Ditulis oleh : Umar |+>> Tips,Informasi, Dok Pel, Rangkuman, Berbagi Untuk Semua

Artikel Legend From Ciamis ditulis oleh Umar pada 18 April 2013 . Terimakasih atas kunjungannya|Pelindung Hak Cipta Yang Maha Agung Hanyalah Allah SWT| Saya itu bukan Ahli, apalagi Profesional, Bukan Ustad, Bukan juga Da'i apalagi Kiyai|Hanya menjalankan tugas Saling Tolong Menolong - Bunculers
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