

16 May 2013

Retell News Item : a license to kill Orangutans

save our orangutans indonesia
save our orangutans
Letter : A license to kill orangutans
Assalamua’laikum wr wb
Today I wanna retell you about a letter from Sean Whyte in England, entitled is a license to kill orangutans. Retell by Umar.
Indonesia was beauty and wonder country, where had many species of animal, like orangutans, Sumatra Tiger, Java Tiger, Macan Kumbang, Rhinos, Elephant, Cendrawasih Bird, and many great wonder animal you can see in Indonesia.

After I read the letter, I knew that orangutans populations in Indonesia was poor, especially in Kalimantan. Orangutans was killed by naughty person for bush meat trade. The Indonesian government was known that at least 3.000 orangutans was killed each year since 1970s.
If  we combined the orangutans in Sumatra and Kalimantan is less than 50.000 orangutans were saved. Ten years letter orangutans maybe extinct especially in Kalimantan first.
Ten years from 2011, there may still be a few orangutans were saved in isolated location in forest of Sumatra. If  we don’t save orangutans from now, maybe for see the orangutans we must be went to the zoo.
At the conference in December, President SBY was accepting millions of dollar to protect the forest and the orangutans. President said if we protected the forest first, so orangutans were saved also. But he has done neither.
Since the conference, the decline in the orangutans population has, if anything, accelerated and shows no mark of slowing.
Since 1970 some 200.000 legally protected orangutans have been killed, but there was no law enforcement.
Indonesia without Orangutans, Java Tiger, Sumatra Tiger, Rhinos and many great animal, so indonesia were had little wonder spesies of animals.

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Artikel Retell News Item : a license to kill Orangutans ditulis oleh Umar pada 16 May 2013 . Terimakasih atas kunjungannya|Pelindung Hak Cipta Yang Maha Agung Hanyalah Allah SWT| Saya itu bukan Ahli, apalagi Profesional, Bukan Ustad, Bukan juga Da'i apalagi Kiyai|Hanya menjalankan tugas Saling Tolong Menolong - Bunculers
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